It is our nature to think. But much of our thinking is biased, distorted, partial, uninformed or prejudiced. The quality of our life depends on the quality of our thought. Excellence in thought must be systematically cultivated. Critical thinking skills are necessary for success in many fields and critical thinkers are less likely to just go along with the crowd.
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe and understanding the logical connection between ideas. It refers to the ability to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment.
Characteristics of critical thinkers:
 Critical thinkers are flexible – they can tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty
 They identify inherent biases and assumptions
 They maintain an air of skepticism
 They separate facts from opinions
 Critical thinkers don’t oversimplify
 They examine available evidence before drawing conclusions
 They accept change
 They remain open to the need for adjustment and adaptation throughout the inquiry cycle
 They are willing to examine even their most deeply held values and beliefs and to modify these beliefs when evidence and experience contradict them.
 Critical thinkers empathize
 They appreciate and try to understand others’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
 They welcome divergent views
 Critical thinkers value examining issues from every angle. 
 They know that it is important to explore and understand positions with which they disagree.

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